Saturday, April 5, 2008

Welcome to JAMMI !

I'm glad you are interested in our neighborhood. JAMMI, of course, stands for "Just Above the MacArthur Maze Interchange." It is a play on words as the early pioneer in the area, Josiah Lusk, grew too many raspberries in 1867 and made jam for sale, which proved immensely profitable and led him to establish the Lusk Cannery, which by 1888 was claimed by the Oakland Tribune to be the largest cannery in the world.

The new JAMMI website is coming soon. Let me know if you have content you want to add.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! This is an excellent resource, and I must say your explanation makes me prefer the name JAMMI to Longfellow. I am a JAMMI resident and contribute toward oaklandwiki [dot] org. I invite you to join the wiki community and build its content! There is a lot of momentum on posting local history there.